List of the bug corrected between version 2.0 and 2.1 of BlackHawk. Contact if you spot any new bug. - the file "write_primary" contained only 0 for primary particles and 1 for photons - in "parameters.txt", the definition of tmin_manual was inverted 0 <-> 1 - bug in "hadronization_instantaneous" : lim_fin_en instead of nb_fin_en otherwise segmentation fault during the extrapolation of the pythia and herwig tables at low energies - missing parenthesis in the "if" loop in hadronize_instantaneous caused Hazma tried to extrapolate as well - the "cosmological_script" now includes the standard transition "RD -> MD" at M-R equality - the hadronization tables computed with PYTHIA took the parameter "PDF:lepton = off" to turn off ISR - there was a parenthesis missing in the condition for "WRONG BH SPINS" in generac.c - bug in read_gamma_infos : %i -> %lf for metric 3 for parameters param_min and param_max - bugs in "total_spectra()" missing several conditions for "hadronization_choice = 3" - bug in convert_tables() and new tables in .h included - bug in hadronize_instantaneous, there was a Hazma related error when extrapolating the PYTHIA/HERWIG tables - bug in hadronize_instantaneous and add_*_instantaneous : missed an energy test E_fin < E_init